If you searched HOLLYWOOD MOVIES OR BOLLYWOOD MOVIES OR TV SHOWS for a movie/TV show and if we don't have it, please let us know. Please report any broken links to any movie in here as well.

Just mention the MOVIE NAME and the YEAR of the movie and we will try our best to get the movie for you as soon as possible and if the link is broken, we will try to replace it at the earliest possible.


1. Be clear in what you're asking for and include a year of release.

2. If possible include a imdb link so we can see what we are looking for :-

3. Be patient as it might take a while for us to find it, and remember that you might not be the only one with a request.

4. If you put in a request for a new film and it goes unanswered for a few days, its probably not out yet so don't think you are being ignored, we will try our best to answer everyone's request as fast as possible.

5. This is probably the most important rule, please make sure you have searched the site and made sure that we don't already have what you are looking for before requesting!!

If you happen to find your request before we do, please help us improve the site by mentioning it in here with where you found the Material so we can add it to the site. It is always better to only have to go to one place for all your Entertainment than surf many places.

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